Giving Thanks in Africa: Join us November 23-30, 2013

" I never knew of a morning in Africa when I woke up that I was not happy." -Ernest Hemingway The air in Zimbabwe is called champagne air. It's crisp and bubbly, like the tingle of the first sip of champagne on your lips. It makes you want slow down and savor every moment. Zimbabwe sits a mile above sea level just north of the border of South Africa and while news reports may keep you from coming to Zimbabwe perhaps you will listen to the whispers of your soul, come to Zimbabwe and take a deep breath in. I have been going to Zimbabwe several times a year since 2008. There is something about the champagne air, the kind smiles of the locals, the dreamy colors of the sunsets, the radiance of the stars lighting the dark African sky, the beauty of seeing elephants and rhinos living in their natural environment . There is something about the spirit of the Zimbabwean people that remind me to live in a state of gratitude , giving thanks for the sunrise e...