The Catalyst to Choose Love

Qoya class during the 2013 Service & Safari Retreat Earlier this year, I was invited to give a speech during Catalyst Week in Downtown Las Vegas . The speech was about a catalyst moment in my life . I chose to speak about going to Zimbabwe to adopt a baby in 2008, only to discover she died just before I arrived. Betsy in Zimbabwe, 2008 Losing the baby was a catalyst moment because I had the choice to leave immediately and never return to Zimbabwe (which was my first instinct) or to stay in Zimbabwe and spend eight days grieving a baby in a country I'd never been to, among people I didn't know. I stayed. I spent most of the next eight days taking care of a crew of abandoned children that lived at a local hospital. They reminded me to go beyond the wounds and sadness and Choose Love. December 2013 Some of the children supported by House of Loveness since 2009 By the end of the following year, I had returned to Zimbabwe seven times, and founded Hous...