Are You Living Your Legacy?

 Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful, that's what matters to me.
-Steve Jobs

There is always some magic that happens to me every trip to Africa, some connection to my humanity that is exposed.  I go to Zimbabwe for the children but I leave feeling like I've given myself the gift of living my legacy by immersing myself in another country and another culture.  Africa turns on a whole new set of neuro pathways in my body, mind and soul.  I feel more connected to everything when I return...more connected to my family, my friends and my work.  I feel more connected to my ancestors and to a fully lived life.

I am especially inspired by African music and dance.  I love the way the women of Zimbabwe move when they dance.  Their movement reveals their life force and their connection to their ancestors.

I've had a similar connection to music and dance through Qoya classes, a combination of dance, yoga and sacred movement.  Qoya is the same energy I see in the women of Africa.  In Qoya I am dancing my legacy.

I'm very grateful that Qoya founder Rochelle Schieck is joining me on my next trip to Zimbabwe, Dec. 6-11, 2011. This extraordinary trip will combine daily Qoya classes with service at the school sponsored by House of Loveness and a holiday party with the children. It will be a joyful way to begin celebrating the holidays that leaves a lasting imprint on your soul.  Let's see what legacy we can create in Africa...together.

*LOVE Note: The Qoya Service Retreat to Zimbabwe is being re-scheduled for 2013. 

Zimbabwe Qoya Service Retreat

-Daily Qoya classes under the African sky
-Volunteering at a local school sponsored by House of Loveness          
-Hosting a Qoya class for the community where we will dance with 
the women and  children of Zimbabwe
-Holiday party with the children supported through House of Loveness
-One day safari to Imirie Game Park
- Sacred Mana (full moon) ritual our final night in Zimbabwe

Some 'Love' notes:
-No prior experience needed to take a Qoya class.
-The Qoya classes are for women only (and girls) but men are welcome to join you on the trip for other activities outside of Qoya.
-You aren't required to take any shots to go to Zimbabwe.  We have info on recommended vaccinations on the retreat info page. Please consult with your doctor.
-Most international flights to Harare, Zimbabwe (HRE) go through Johannesburg, S.A. It is very easy to transfer in the Jo-burg airport (and great place to Duty Free shop!). You will be met at the Harare airport by Betsy & the HOL team.
-Your visa for Zimbabwe will be giving at the airport when you land ($30 fee).

       Please consider being a 'Love' donor to 
   House of Loveness
         Your donation will sponsor another women 
             for the trip who is unable to pay but desires 
      to volunteer with HOL. 
For more information:


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